Our family. Feeling grateful over Christmas


I’m sitting here, listening to one of my favourite albums: For Emma, Forever Ago by Bon Iver.

Another year has almost passed and it’s time to review it. 2019 vintage has been good, despite the yields loss. The base wines’ quality is outstanding and as always, the old Monfumo vineyards are the winners. Now we just need to be patient and wait for next spring to let the wines give their best

Another year has almost passed and it’s time to review it. We all know that life is full of uncertainties, and (a lot of) little certainties. Some people we cared about have passed away and our dad got injured a couple of months ago.

Bele Casel is a family, before being a business. A family in which every single member has his/her/their own task. Our dad, the “winery worm” as he likes to define himself, was forced to spend his days on a chair and so to be far from his beloved wines. We are a family, a beautiful family, and as in every family worthy of its name when someone needs help, there’s always someone ready for them.

It all happened very fast, and besides the fear at the beginning, Luca found himself alone and having to run the winery by himself, as it was 20 years ago when our parents had a very bad accident

Another year has almost passed and despite everything, I could say, we could say that we are very lucky. Now I want to take some time, as if it was a letter to Santa, to thank my family and make you all understand, for those of you who don’t know them, how special it is.

To dad, who is very stubborn and has showed us many times how strong he is and how he always gets up with his head up after every fall or difficulty

To mum, who despite the stress and the thousand things to do, just doesn’t give up, not even a second. She reminds me a lot of grandma Gina every day more

To Luca, who didn’t panic and took charge of the situation. If it hadn’t been for him, only God knows what it would have been of Bele Casel

The last thought goes to my grandparents up above, who always watch over us. Nobody has ever asked me this question but if I had to answer one day to “who do you look up to?” that would without any doubt:”My family”

“Whatever could it be
That has brought me to this…”

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, and to your families too


P.S. I leave here a link to the album I’ve been listening to for so long, if you want to listen to it



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